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Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Food Thoughts

As 2011 comes to a close, I have to reflect on this thing I spend so much time on, called food. When I wake up in the morning I have thoughts about what I will eat for breakfast; a shake, egg whites, oatmeal, Raisin Bran or a Sweet Dutch Baby. Only hours go by and then its lunchtime; will make something, go out and get something or just have a snack.
In recent news from Dr. Oz, he suggests eating in reverse,or having those heavy meals or pasta dishes by midday. You will have more time to work off the calories and full feeling. This bit of news made me think about a woman name Kay I used to work with who always brought her left-overs to work the next day and had them for breakfast (eating in reverse). I always wondered if they were left over from dinner or if she just cooked them at the dinner hour for breakfast the next morning. I'll never know, she lives in Florida now.
I not sure if I get much past the lunch hour before I begin to think about what will be on the menu for dinner. I begin to think about what's in the frig or freezer that I can prepare, the prep work involved in getting it prepped in a timely manner and what I have in the pantry or frig to go with it for a complete meal. I am pretty sure I might skip dinner if it were not for my husband. He tends to go to work without breakfast and he may or may not have lunch, then he comes home starving. Drives me nuts!
During the course of my day, I look at food magazines that I receive in the mail, watch food shows on the Food Network and the Cooking Channel,and I go to the grocery to replenish food items. Many of the e-mails I receive are from food websites about food and recipes that I often want to make. Have I gotten to dinner yet?
If we decide to go out to dinner, then its a discussion about where to go, if that's what we really want (both of us), if the service is up to par and how I feel when I'm there. We actually have been to restaurants where the staff appear unhappy to be there; if they don't want to be there why would I want to be there? I'm at a point in my life where I want to feel good when I'm in a place eating or otherwise, i.e., I don't want to feel any stress (trying to take care of the vessel)and going out to eat is about more than eating out.
I have to wonder if I'm doing myself a disservice by thinking about food so much and am I the only one doing this? It consumes so much of my time, my husband always says, "we all have the same 24 hours." Food must be the way I wish to spend my time.
Some of the biggest foods trend in 2011, was grilling veggies , incorporating different ethnic foods into American cuisine and vise versa and just keeping dishes simple and easy. I loved the 2011 food trends and I think I'll keep them going into 2012 or until something better comes along. Happy New Year!

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