
Welcome to Mealfare where all meals matters!

Thank you for visiting Mealfare where we love to talk about restaurants, food, recipes, food news and issues...share what's going on in your food world. Are you preparing meatless meals, skipping anything fried, or just eating healthier and different because your different and its a different time in your life?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My cup runneth over with tea or at least my pantry does. The various tea types range from Blueberry, to Green,  Peppermint, Echinacea Elder, to Blackcurrant Black Tea.  Lita, my sister, has even graced my pantry with a tea called Blue Eyes Fruit Tea from the Coffee Roasters of New Orleans. I'm happy to say that I even have regular Lipton tea in the house.

Different teas provide a variety of benefits, some even medicinal. Green tea is said to contain antioxidants and Vitamin C, while most black teas are recognized for lowering blood sugar levels. I've even heard that individuals should drink at least two cups of tea per day and add a little fresh ginger. It aids with digestion.

Tea makes a great summertime beverage and since its Summer and there is an abundance of fresh fruit at our disposal; lets kick up our teaology a knotch. I am suggesting that you add fresh fruit to your tea drink (cold).  I recently enjoyed a tea beverage with very small watermelon cubes floating on top, it was amazing! If your having a get-together or you just want to treat yourself, serve ice tea with peaches, blueberries or a variety of fresh berries on top. Your guests will love it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner?

Breakfast is the all-time favorite meal of the day, especially omelets. Eggs are so versatile and light that you can add anything to them and have a spectacular meal. Most anyone can make a omelet. All you need is a skillet, some eggs (depends on how many your feeding), canola oil, and whatever you want to add.
Today, I prepared an omelet for lunch and I used spinach and cherry tomatoes. The omelet was topped with a little parrano cheese and garnished with tomato and Italian parsley. Its easy, quick and delicious.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lotsa Pasta Panini Continued

That's right, I was talking about proper sandwich assembly. Today, when I went to Lotsa Pasta, I ask the clerk if she would please evenly distribute the sandwich items on the bread, just explaining that I didn't want any bread on bread contact. She looked at me as if I were crazy and said that the sandwiches were now being pre-prepared ( I think that's correct) and she would see what she could do.

Seeing what she could do basicly meant that everything has been measured out and the sandwich was already made and I can't do anything about what you want lady. I'm thinking that for $6.50 plus tax, I don't want a mouth full of bread with nothing else, at any one time on my palate and of course that's just what I got. Not to mention that I could tell that my sandwich was twice grilled or had been grilled and then warmed in an oven, there was definitely an extra layer of crunch.

On a more pleasant note, I did meet a really nice lady in the store who just came back from Italy and ask if the orzo pasta salad I was purchasing, was good. I replied that it was my first time tasting it and she could read about how I liked it on my here goes.

It was a bit lifeless to me; which simply means that it was heavy for this time of year and not very tasty. I love flavor and I love orzo pasta but I didn't care for the very large mushrooms in Lotsa Pasta's and there was an herb that I thought was basil, it looked like basil, but it had zero flavor. I'm not sure what the herb was and I know my herbs because I grow some of them.

Lotsa Pasta's orzo pasta salad had red onion, goat cheese, mushrooms, cherry tomato and basil (?) Sounds like a great combination but it didn't work for me. The nice lady did ask what type of dressing I use on my orzo pasta salad and I replied that I love to hit the pasta with white truffle oil just after its drained and rinsed. I realize that truffle oil is not inexpensive but its so delicious! From that point on, I add fresh vegetables to  mine. With all of the farmer's markets operating, there is an aray of veggies to choose from and I believe that when it comes to cooking, we should always use whats in season. If food doesn't have flavor, what's the point.

Losta Pasta Panini

Today, I felt like one of my favorite sandwiches and a little pasta so I headed up to Lotsa Pasta on Lexington Road. I love, love, love the black bean panini and I feel as though I'm eating somewhat healthy. That slice of cheddar cheese haunts me, not to mention the bread, but its so good and today I will split it with my daughter.

In any case, the sandwich is prepared with black beans (smoothed with a blender or food processor), a slice of cheddar cheese and cream cheese and scallions (not sure about the cream cheese and scallions) on Italian bread and grilled.

The last time I was in the store(2 weeks ago), I was a little unhappy with my sandwich; before you say anything, let me explain, I am a food snob! I've been practicing. Let me explain, I have issues with sandwiches that are not properly prepared and I definitely do not like bread on bread contact. If you make me a sandwich, I simply would like some even distribution of the sandwich items with some level of neatness. Is that too much to ask? *To be continued.